Tripmare S.p.A. - Towage and Salvage

"Remulco est, quum scaphae remis navis magna trahitur" [Paolo Diacono]

English (UK)ItalianITSlovenian (sl-SI)

"25/11/2013 10:30 AM Trieste – Marine weather data. Fratelli Bandiera pier station"

Immagine 012 lowTime – date: 10:30 AM (GMT+1) - 25/11/2013
Altitude: 3 meters
Latitude: 45° 38' 59"
Longitude: 13° 45' 8"

Detected data:

Air temperature  

09.0 °C

Maximum temperature from 0 hours   12.9 °C
Sea temperature at 2.0 meters   15.6 °C
Wind spead   11.8 m/s [42.5 km/h - 22.9 kn]
Maximum gust from 0 hours   23.2 m/s [83.5 km/h - 45.1 kn]
Minimum temperature from 0 hours   8.8 °C
Sea temperature at 0.4 meters   15.8 °C
Sea temperature at 6.0 meters (bottom)   15.6 °C
Wind direction   36°
Maximum gust of wind direction   43°


2013 11 25 AT ST graph



Fleet position