Tripmare S.p.A. - Towage and Salvage

"Remulco est, quum scaphae remis navis magna trahitur" [Paolo Diacono]

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"17/10/2013 Vremenska napoved Friuli Venezia Giulia (IT) - Jutri, petek, 18. Oktober"

2013 10 17 2 osmerSplošna Slika:
Ob prisotnosti anticiklona, se bo v prizemnih plasteh v naslednji dneh kopičil bolj vlažen zrak.V nedeljo bodo pa začeli tudi v višinah dotekati bolj vlažni tokovi.

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"17/10/2013 Forecast Friuli Venezia Giulia (IT) - Today, thursday, October 17th"

2013 10 17 osmerGeneral Situation: 
An anticyclone shall linger over Italy, bringing initial dry air at all level, and towards the weekend, more humid air in the low layers.

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"16/10/2013 Forecast Friuli Venezia Giulia (IT) - Tomorrow, thursday, October 17th"

2013 10 16 2 osmerGeneral Situation: 
A quick cold front from north-west shall pass over the region early on Wednesday. Following, an anticyclone is expected to arrive and, initially, bring dry air at all levels.

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"16/10/2013 Forecast Friuli Venezia Giulia (IT) - Today, wednesday, October 16th"

2013 10 16 osmerGeneral Situation: 
A quick cold front from north-west shall pass over the region early on Wednesday. Following, an anticyclone is expected to arrive and, initially, bring dry air at all levels.

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"15/10/2013 Forecast Friuli Venezia Giulia (IT) - Tomorrow, wednesday, October 16th"

2013 10 15 2 osmerGeneral Situation: 
A depression over Great Britain shall bring southwestern humid currents in our region; on Wednesday morning a quick cold front is expected from north-west, followed by dominating high pressure.

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